Saturday 16 April 2016

Destroy your Enemy

Powerful Taweez For  Destroy your Enemy

To destroy your enemy this is a very effective way ,get a print out of your enemies picture and get 7 to 11 prints ,write the name and the mothers name at the back of the picture.

Now before you proceed get seven sticks of neem  tree which are very bitter and recite bismillah backwards for 786 times and blow them on the neem sticks .

Now with full anger beat your enemies picture with them until it is completely destroyed by doing it continuously for seven to eleven days your enemy will suffer from great destruction .

The taweez has to be written on the back of the picture.  


  • Picture of the target person
  • Neem Sticks (SEVEN)
  • The Taweez
  • Five more items required.

While doing the following ritual use the incense of black pepper on burning coal.

For Complete Ritual,Ritual Kit and Procedure please contact us at

This is not to be done as an experiment as it dangerous effects on the victim

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